Firstly, I appreciate the time people have taken to make suggestions and help me to better understand some of the mechanics/physics surrounding the build. While I admit, in some cases, there does seem to be a lot of negativity, or rather a sense that I way off base. I can't say that it will work perfectly, and I can't say it will be 100% efficient, but I can say I will achieve my goal; to build a vehicle capable of transporting personnel and equipment that is totally reliant on Human and Natural power sources. I would like it to be able to make a trek of either 8 miles OR 30 continuous minutes of operation without exhausting the passengers.
SO, let's officially put that down:
1) Create a vehicle of my own design to running entirely off of renewable resources (to include but not limited too, Human, Solar, and Wind power.)
2) Travel in vehicle 8 total miles, or 30 minutes of continuous operation without undue strain on the passengers.
3) Look cool while doing it.
Some Answers to common questions:
Q: Why not use an electric engine?A: Mostly due to the power requirements. Storing up energy from the Sun requires solar panels, solar panels equal weight, and weight in this case is bad. In addition to the panels, batteries are used to store the energy produced so it can be used later. Unfortunately, that just leads to more weight. I did consider electric, but it seems like the power required would be far in excess of what a Human could produce, and then the torque required would take a considerable amount of energy. Again, goes back to weight. I will however be utilizing electricity in a smaller small way. Check out this post on frame build:
And here's a crude look at how the system will be set up >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What I appreciate from the feed back: IDEAS!
So keep em coming! Negative or not, ideas can never be bad (misguided, yes. But never bad), and sadly there's never enough of them.
I'll be building a 3D model I hope will help communicate some of my ideas better. Please check back for that.
I hope that helps, and if it raises more questions, fire away.
So until next time, pack your gear, grab a friend, and... Let's Get to Work.
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